Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 5 : Cycles

This is my last full day of my trip in the Amazon and I can not wait to find out what I learn about today. I am going to study a little bit into detail on how humans have affected the amazon. I know we have already affected it through deforestation and it is becoming a major problem throughout the world with an annual loss of 27,423 km per year. 40% of yearly carbon loss comes through deforestation. Ones the forest has been logged in brings many gaps in the canopy causing for drier trees and ground areas which is bad in all situations. Some rain-forests in the past couple have years have been experiencing drought and deforestation only makes these way worse. Deforestation needs to stop so we can protect and preserve wildlife. The water cycle is a big part of the Amazon as you can imagine the Biome revolves around water and rainfall. There is no more rainfall anywhere than in the tropical rain forests in the world. The amazon itself receives around 60 mm annually of rain. Transpiration where leaves release water into the atmosphere is a big part of the water cycle in the rain forest considering most the water in stored in plants and leaves and trees. The atmosphere then stores this water for little amounts of time before releasing it as rain very quickly and heavily. Then is stored in the ground, leaves or rivers through runoff. Nitrogen is also a big part of the Amazon I have noticed in the past 5 days. When a plant dies it gives off nitrogen to the soil. Then it is released into the atmosphere and it can not be used by plants because it is not in the right form. It must be "fixed" so it can by usable, approximately 130 metric tons of nitrogen are fixed each year. Then the plants are eaten by herbivores and they contain the nitrogen until they die and the nitrogen is released back into the soil. I think of this every time I pass a dead plant or animal, even though they are dead they are still contributing to the ecosystem. The picture below is of the river where water is stored during the water cycle. This trip was one of the best things I've ever done and I can't wait to explore other ecosystems in the future.

1 comment:

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