Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 2 : Observations

On day 2 I decided to look around and embrace the environments and look at how the plants and animals live to survive through relationships. A way that the Capuchin monkey and flowering trees interact is when the monkey drinks pollen from the tree it gets on its fur and when it goes to drink from the next tree the pollen falls off into the new flowering tree allowing it to create more pollen and survive. This would be an example of mutualism where both species benefit from each other to survive. Another is example the strangler fig that grows out of the tree and for sunlight to stay alive it grows high. When the strangler fig grows high for sunlight, it ultimately kills the tree by taking up all the sunlight. I have seen many dying trees due to the fact that they aren't getting enough sunlight because of these fig's. This is an example of a Parasitism symbiotic relationship in a biome. Also, a relationship can be seen between a type of branch called bromeliads, they also grow out on the tree to get more sunlight, but they do not strangle the tree causing the tree to live and the branch to benefit by getting sunlight, this example is called commensalism. Lots of plants strive for sunlight as you can see in the relationships, this an example of resource competition and I see it going on a lot here. Also lots of birds exist in this rain forest and they fight over the same earthworms/food. For a bird in the rain forest you must be quick when trying to get food because it is very hard to accomplish. The largest competition is between the plants and the animals in a fight for food and growth. It is amazing to see how all the animals and plants interact in either good or bad ways to survive and thrive in the Amazon. This picture below is one I took of the strangler fig killing the tree slowly. Image result for strangler fig rainforest

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